Chat over e-mail and head back to the future with us!
Delta Chat is like Telegram or Whatsapp but without the tracking or central control. Delta Chat does not need your phone number. Check out our privacy statement.
Delta Chat doesn’t have their own servers but uses the most massive and diverse open messaging system ever: the existing e-mail server network.
Chat with anyone if you know their e-mail address, no need for them to install DeltaChat! All you need is a standard e-mail account.
Check out user stories and voices ?
We have configured JoshWho Mail to easily work with this Chat Messenger.
This will also Work with, and Add End to End Encryption to Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, GTX Mail, Aktivix, Aol. (America Online),, Autistici/Inventati, and many more See Here (Compatible Mail Providers)
Just Download and install and log in with your JoshWho Email or any Other email just about.
Best part about this is you do not have to sign up to anything. It just uses your already existing email.
When you chat with others using this app, the messages is fully end to end encrypted. Even the email service provider cannot read your messages. Best part is you can still email others with it and they get your message just like a regular email until they download and use the app to enable full encryption.
Desktop Version
Android Version
Iphone Version
Best Settings to use
Go into the settings and turn on
- Enter Key Sends Message
- Enable Voice Video Chat: Use command’$ROOM ‘in the box for it: See picture below where to put$ROOM
3.Enable Send Copy to Self so when used on multiple devices it syncs to all of them.
4. Save storage space on your email account by enabling Auto Delete Messages from Server. AutoDelete after 1 hour should work fine. This makes it to where it auto deletes as soon as the message gets sent to your device. You can make it instant or delay it for a time period to auto delete. Make sure these settings you change you do on all your devices. Every device is indepent.
Now you can send a email to anyone and they will get your message and if they use this app it will work like a encrypted messenger with video calling for them as well.
This is the kewlist thing ever and I will probably replace Telegram with it.
If you guys want to chat with me on Delta Chat just add me up here:
Please check and the latest blog posts for information on current releases and events.
Delta Chat is Open Source and Free Software. You can use, see, change, and share it at will, with everyone.